Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy - All You Need To Know

Breast Cancer is one of the leading forms of cancer among Indian women, and is easily treatable and preventable if detected in an early stage. Most of the breast cancer cases in India are diagnosed in an advanced stage, creating a great havoc, and this is why it is important to create breast cancer awareness.

What Is Breast Cancer? 

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects the breast tissues, where the cells abnormally grow to form a tumor. It does not just affect women, and can rarely affect men too. 

Who is Susceptible to Breast Cancer?

Certain personal factors, environmental factors and genetic factors can contribute to the development of breast cancer. In most cases women who are overweight with a strong family history, or have Herman stational history before 12 years, are at higher risk in developing breast cancer. Other factors include: 

  • Lesser breastfeeding or choosing not to breastfeed
  • Hormone based perceptions like birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy.
  • Being obese
  • Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.
  • Exposure to radiation
  • Dense breast tissue
  • Increasing age
  • History of cancer

There are also two types of breast cancer which can be non-invasive or invasive.

It may either affect the milk ducts of the breast or the breast lobules where the milk is produced.

Warning Signs You Should Be Aware of

Early detection and self examination, helps you detect any symptoms of breast cancer in an earlier stage, and can be life-saving. Here are a few warning signs that you should be aware of:

  • A painless lump in or near your breast that feels different from the rest of your breast tissue.
  • A change in the size, and contour of your breast.
  • Change in the skin texture like ulceration, redness, scalenus, thickening or dimpling.
  • Change in the position of your nipple like rashes, discharge, or deviated positions.

Not all breast cancer are headed tree, so you have a chance to prevent breast cancer by following a few tips as well. These include –

  • Eating a low-fat diet rich in vegetables and fruits.
  • Breastfeeding at least for one year
  • Avoid excessive alcohol and smoking conception
  • Exercising regularly and maintaining healthy weight.
  • Keep unwanted stress at bay.

Management of Breast Cancer

Although it might be scary, there have been several advancements in breast controlled treatments today. Most breast cancer patients can conserve their breast today, as radiotherapy is introduced, to conserve your breasts instead of having a mastectomy. 

Radiation therapy is usually done using a linear accelerator that shoots a high energy x-ray, proton or electron to the tumor site, to effectively demolish the cancer cells. 

There are various techniques like HDR brachytherapy, hypo fractionated radiotherapy and intra operative radiotherapy.

  • HDR brachytherapy in this method the radiation is given by placing needles in the breast, to deliver a high source of radiation in a shorter period of time.
  • Hypo fractionated radiotherapy - this source uses EBRT or brachytherapy, which reduces the total duration of your therapy.
  • Intraoperative radiotherapy – in this process the radiation can be delivered immediately after the surgery in the operation theater, post removal of the cancerous tumor.

Cancer is a deadly disease, and it is crucial that you choose the right treatment options and stay safe in good hands.

Dr. Vineeta Goel is a renowned oncologist and providing the best breast cancer radiation therapy in Delhi as well as West, East, North and South of Delhi!


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