Advanced Radiation Therapy - An Advancement in Cancer Cure & Care
What Is Radiation Therapy? Radiation therapy is the means of treating cancer using high energy rays like gamma rays and x-rays. It plays a very crucial role in cancer treatment, and has evolved in the recent decades to create more accurate results, as well as ensuring High levels of radiation, with little to no side-effects. Radiation therapy has a lot of medical uses in cancer treatment like: Radical therapy – used when the treatment is only possible with radiotherapy. Adjuvant therapy – used after surgery to sterilize the surgical wound and remove any remaining cancer cells. Neoadjuvant therapy – used prior to the surgery in order to reduce the size of the tumor as well as to sterilize the surrounding area. Radiation therapy is also used to a large extent to treat symptoms like pain and bleeding, thus enabling the patient to live a normal life. It can be used along with chemotherapy to increase the effectiveness of the treatment in particular cases. Types of Radiation Therapy...